Renowned Dr. Paul Jones Visits Walden In Jacksonville
Renowned Businessman and art collector, Dr. Paul Jones visits Laurence Walden at his home studio in Jacksonville Florida June 20th 2009. Dr. Jones has been accredited with being the largest collector of African American Art in America, so much that the building where George Wallace stood and said that no blacks would enter this college at the University of Alabama, now Houses an African American Art Museum, owned and run by Dr. Jones.
Dr. Jones who has in his collection the "The Changing of the Guard" a tribute to Barack Obama, By Laurence Walden, was intrigued by Walden's ability to recycle sterling silver cutlery combined with other metals and other found objects into decorative Afrocentric Mask. Dr. Jones plans to feature several of these renderings in his museum at the University of Alabama where Walden will also perform as a Jazz Vocalist, After hearing him do a tribute to Billy Eckstine , who was in fact a friend and admire of Dr. Paul Jones.